What is Lyprinol?

Is Lyprinol like other marine or fish oils?

NO. Lyprinol is extracted from GLM (Green Lipped Mussel) and contains a very rare mix of marine lipid groups and unique omega-3 fatty acids. The patented processing of Lyprinol protects their activity. Lyprinol is 350 times more effective than, for example, Cod Liver Oil.

Is Lyprinol like other cheaper GLM products?

NO. The lipids in GLM are extremely sensitive to oxidation. ONLY Lyprinol® has a special patented extraction process, which protects their activity.

What are the advantages of Lyprinol over green-lipped mussel powders?

Lyprinol has many advantages over green-lipped mussel powders including:
– Mussel powders contain proteins, which can cause allergic reactions in some people. Since Lyprinol is an oil all the proteins have been removed
– Mussel powders contain sea salt, which can be a problem for people needing to stay on a low salt diet. Lyprinol contains no sea salts
– Because Lyprinol is a potent concentrate, the dose rate is far lower and the capsules are easier to take.
– The unpleasant odours associated with encapsulated mussel powders have been removed.

Is Lyprinol like other omega-3 products?

NO. Lyprinol is 200-350 times more effective.
How does Lyprinol differ from these other food sources of omega-3 fatty acids?
One of the main differences between Lyprinol and fish oils is the amount required to produce a significant effect. Compared to fish oil doses of 18g per day, Lyprinol has been shown to be effective at a dose of 1 to 2 capsules per day. Independent studies have compared Lyprinol to several foods high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Lyprinol has been shown to be:

– 100 times more potent than EPA Max (fish oil)
– 125 times more potent than orginal freeze dried mussel powder
– 175 times more potent than evening primrose oil
– 175 times more potent than Salmon Oil
– 200 times more potent than Flax Oil

Lyprinol is one of the best natural sources of omega-3 in the diet, because it contains additional lipids, unique to the Green Lipped Mussel – it’s like fish oil but much better.

Does Lyprinol have the same side effects as fish oil supplements?

NO, Lyprinol has none of the side effects associated with fish oils.
Common side effects of fish oil supplements may include:
– Fishy breath
– Upset stomach
– Greasy stools
Pharmacological doses of fish oil supplements (e.g. greater than 3g daily) also have the potential to worsen blood cholesterol levels, especially LDL cholesterol (the bad type of cholesterol).
If you have diabetes, use caution when taking fish oil supplements and consult your doctor to monitor the effect on cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

How is Lyprinol different to cod liver oil?

Cod liver oil is not suitable for people with asthma, diabetes, a blood clotting disorder, or if you are taking Warfarin or other blood thinning medicines. If you were considering taking cod liver oil for any of the above conditions it would be advisable to seek the advice of your doctor before taking cod liver oil products.

Caution should also be taken if using cod liver oil as a fish oil supplement because it contains very high levels of vitamin A. High doses of vitamin A can cause headache, dry skin, itching, and liver damage.

Everybody can take Lyprinol, although we recommend that pregnant women and very young children should only use Lyprinol after consultation with a doctor or health visitor.

I am allergic to shellfish. Can I take Lyprinol?

YES. Allergies respond to carbohydrate or proteins. The extraction process used in Lyprinol isolates only fats. Lyprinol is safe for people suffering from fish or shellfish allergies.

Is Lyprinol suitable for children?

YES. Children as young as 3 can take it. Please consult your doctor if in any doubt.

I am vegetarian (or Vegan). Can I take Lyprinol?

Lyprinol is a mix of fats extracted from mussels and encapsulated in a gelatine casing.
This may cause concerns for vegetarians.

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