Transnistria – War and Peace between Pushkin and Mickiewicz

  By Frederick Lauritzen Hitler created Transnistria. Putin wants it for the Russian Federation. In August 1940, Germany assigned the Hungarian speaking areas of Romania to Hungary, notably Transylvania. (the second Vienna Award). In exchange, Romania was allowed to annex an area beyond the Dniester River, the traditional eastern border of Romania. The new area,Continue reading “Transnistria – War and Peace between Pushkin and Mickiewicz”

The Future of Crimea will alter the Black Sea beyond recognition – Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) or NATO outpost

Crimea came to an end in 2014. Today Crimea depends on water from Ukraine (via the North Crimean Canal) and on goods from Russia (via the Kerch Bridge). It is an unsustainable situation. The peninsula will become a demilitarized zone or a NATO outpost. Crimea is dependent on its hinterland and specifically the area fromContinue reading “The Future of Crimea will alter the Black Sea beyond recognition – Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) or NATO outpost”

Piracy and Imperialism – Somalia and Yemen

The defeat of piracy is the first step of imperialism. When a country has trade interests it aims to defend them even in distant regions. Somalia and Yemen have flared up because they are areas where commercial interests are disrupted. What we are watching unfold is an old and well known story. It is atContinue reading “Piracy and Imperialism – Somalia and Yemen”

Xi Jinping’s dictatorship – Early or late Caesar?

Anthony Blinken, secretary of State of the United States, was shaking his head, visibly perplexed on November 15th. President Biden had just referred to Xi Jinping as a dictator. In the context of diplomatic exhaustion, the notion of dictator appeared to make every one jump off their seat. The emperor Augustus probably would have agreedContinue reading “Xi Jinping’s dictatorship – Early or late Caesar?”